Can I Use an Air Purifier Instead of an Air Filter in My Home?

As an expert in air quality, I'm often asked if an air purifier can be used instead of an air filter in a home. The answer is no, air purification is not a substitute for source control and ventilation. However, it can be a great addition to these methods. Air purifiers are more effective than standard HVAC air filters, even those with the highest MERV ratings.

You can purchase a whole-house air purifier that connects to the ducts of your HVAC system, or you can opt for a standalone air purifier. Air purifiers are often confused with air filters, which are connected to air conditioning systems or are located inside air purifying systems. Air purifiers can have several filters to effectively clean the air. If you're wondering if you should buy an air filter or an air purifier, it all depends on what you need the product for. If you have an air conditioning system and need to update or replace the air filter, you should look for an effective air filter for your space, most likely a MERV 13 filter.

On the other hand, if you can't upgrade your air conditioning system (due to older systems or budget limitations), portable air purifiers may be your best alternative. At Sanalife, we offer a complete set of air purifiers with multiple stages and filtration technologies. Yes, you can have both air filters and air purifiers in your air conditioning system, and many homes have them. They work well together if professionals choose them. Some air cleaning systems combine mechanical filtration and electronic air purification.

If you have one of these heating and cooling systems, you may need to treat the air in your home with an air purifier. Mold removal specialists often use them to clean the air of mold while removing it from a surface. If you're reading this, it's because you're concerned about the quality of your home's indoor air. However, vents don't capture 100% of kitchen smoke, which, if you cook frequently, will significantly affect your home's indoor air quality. Air purifiers work by sucking air through an air filtration system and then passing it through several stages of the air filters. However, HVAC filters certainly influence indoor air quality, and it's important to choose the right filter.

Like many aerosol sprays, a potentially harmful by-product of air-sanitizing sprays are VOCs. Finally, cooking not only puts food on the family's plates, it also adds smoke and particles to the air. The following publications provide information on portable air filters and on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning and heating filters commonly used in homes. Selecting the best filters and air purifiers for your home can be a daunting task, especially if you don't know where to start. Most air conditioning systems (ovens, central air conditioners and air-source heat pumps) work smoothly with air filters with a MERV 13 rating.

An air purifier uses denser, stronger filters that effectively remove a wide variety of particles from the air. To truly achieve improvements in air conditioning quality, the best method is to add air purifying units based on HEPA filters along with HVAC upgrades. They're often affordable and easy to use, which is why many consumers choose air purifiers over other types of air filtration methods, such as improved HVAC systems, MERV filters, or bipolar ionization throughout the building. Aire Serv will perform services in a professional and professional manner, in accordance with industry standards.

So, if you want to improve air quality to reduce sick building syndrome and the chances of contracting diseases such as the COVID-19 virus, or you want cleaner air, then get an air purifier. Air purification is not a substitute for source control and ventilation but it can be a great addition when used correctly.

Lacey Russomano
Lacey Russomano

Avid pizza scholar. General internet expert. Lifelong tv scholar. Devoted web geek. Typical beer enthusiast.