How Often Should You Replace Your Air Filter?

A two-fold air filter should be changed every three months, while a three-fold air filter should be changed every 120 days. A four-fold air filter should be replaced every six months, and an air filter with five or six folds should be replaced every nine to twelve months. Children are more sensitive to indoor air pollutants, such as mold, dust mites, dander, and pollen, so it is important to use quality air filters and replace them before they become too clogged and dirty. If you have young children at home, it is recommended to use high-quality pleated air filters and change them every two months.

Generally, a fiberglass air filter should be replaced about once every 30 days or as recommended by the manufacturer. A pleated air filter should be replaced approximately once every three to six months. However, the frequency of air filter replacement depends on several factors, such as the home, the occupants, and their location. The right air filter replacement frequency for one home may not be the right choice for another home.

Any use will cause dirt to be trapped in the air filter; if left unused for too long, the filter can begin to restrict airflow and increase heating and cooling costs. For mild to moderate allergies, residents should try to replace air filters every 30 days. A family of four will need to change its air filters more often than a single person's home. When the filter becomes clogged with dirt and debris, air cannot pass through the filter properly. In addition, if the air filter is not replaced accordingly, a homeowner's energy bill can increase due to the system working harder to circulate air.

If you have never changed an air filter before, you may not be aware of common signs that it needs to be changed. Air filters act as barriers to prevent contaminants from entering the HVAC system or from circulating through the air. Air filters are usually made of spun fiberglass or pleated paper framed in 26% with cardboard for greater stability and stiffness. This not only reduces air quality but also negatively affects the efficiency of the heating and cooling system. Consider replacing a fiberglass air filter about once every 20 days and replacing a pleated air filter about once every 60 days if you have one or more pets. Keep in mind that a higher rating does not necessarily mean that an air filter is the right choice for your home; a professional can help you if there is a specific protocol for changing a specific brand's air filter or how often an air filter needs to be changed. It is important to remember that different homes require different maintenance schedules for their air filters.

The frequency of replacement depends on factors such as the number of occupants in the home, their location, and any allergies they may have. It is also important to note that if an air filter is not replaced regularly, it can lead to increased energy costs due to restricted airflow. To ensure your home has clean and healthy indoor air quality, it is important to replace your air filters regularly according to manufacturer recommendations or based on your specific needs. If you are unsure how often you should replace your air filters or what type of filters are best for your home, contact a professional HVAC technician for advice.

Lacey Russomano
Lacey Russomano

Avid pizza scholar. General internet expert. Lifelong tv scholar. Devoted web geek. Typical beer enthusiast.