Do Air Filters Help People with Allergies and Asthma? - An Expert's Perspective

The best HVAC filters for allergies must capture the finer particles and remove them from the air before they enter the lungs. Filters with higher MERV ratings are better at catching environmental triggers for asthma and allergies. If you suffer from asthma symptoms, an air filter or room air purifier can help you breathe easier. The same goes for people with hay fever (allergic rhinitis) or COPD (emphysema or chronic bronchitis).

When it comes to finding the best filter for people with asthma, an advantage is that they remove large particles (acting as a prefilter), which increases the lifespan of the expensive HEPA filter. In contrast, a MERV 13 air filter (the highest rating that works with typical modern home air conditioning systems) will capture 98% of particles between 0.3 and 1 micron in size. There are a lot of solid ApriLaire air filters, but the Allergy+ Pet True HEPA air purifier replacement filter is a good place to start exploring. We've discussed five of the best air filters for asthma on the market and what makes them ideal for people living with asthma. Filters with higher MERV ratings offer less airflow, which can decrease the efficiency of the air conditioning system.

Let's get to work finding an air filter that ensures people living with asthma at home can breathe better. Some air filters are designed to trap microscopic particles that can cause an allergy attack or worsen allergy symptoms. However, they don't remove all particles from the air and the ozone that is produced is a known irritant. Since you spend eight hours in your room every night, this should be the first room you install an air filter in. I had bought a filter of the wrong size and you guys did everything you could to get me the right ones.

A disadvantage of these filters is that they quickly become ineffective, as they absorb a large amount of fumes, so they must be replaced every month. Gas-phase air filters use activated carbon granules to remove odors (volatile organic compounds or VOCs) and non-particulate pollution, such as cooking gas, gases emitted by paint or building materials (such as formaldehyde), and perfume. Having an air purifier at home doesn't have many drawbacks apart from financial investment. While they offer superior purification, most HVAC systems will be adversely affected by HEPA filters due to restricted airflow. When it comes to allergies and asthma, it's important to find an air filter that can capture the finer particles and remove them from the air before they enter your lungs. High MERV rated filters are best for capturing environmental triggers for allergies and asthma, while gas-phase filters are great for removing odors and non-particulate pollution.

Investing in an air purifier can help those living with allergies or asthma breathe easier in their own homes. As an expert in this field, I can confidently say that having an air filter in your home is essential if you suffer from allergies or asthma. Not only do these filters help capture environmental triggers such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold spores, and other allergens, but they also help reduce odors and non-particulate pollution. Furthermore, these filters can help increase the efficiency of your HVAC system by removing large particles before they reach your expensive HEPA filter. When shopping for an air filter for allergies or asthma, it's important to consider factors such as size, type of filter, MERV rating, cost, and maintenance requirements. It's also important to remember that while these filters can help reduce symptoms associated with allergies and asthma, they won't completely eliminate them.

Therefore, it's important to consult your doctor if you're experiencing severe symptoms.

Lacey Russomano
Lacey Russomano

Avid pizza scholar. General internet expert. Lifelong tv scholar. Devoted web geek. Typical beer enthusiast.